... my creative outlet manifested in photos and drawings

... Animals of all kinds, but mostly cats ...

... Nature and outdoorsy stuff ...

... Toys and miniatures ...

... Digital drawings and painting ...

... About me - the short version (you're welcome!) ...

I used to work as a graphic designer for agencies, companies and clients. Now I work only for me! ... which is much better. In every way except for the pay. But I always agree with myself and I always give myself a day off, when I ask for it. So that's good.

I spend a lot of time with a camera in my hand. I have a Sony A7CII, a Sony A6700 and a Sony ZV-E10. Most often I shoot with zoom lenses. I love the flexibility it offers. Primes are fine, but zooms are better - for ME. I mostly do street photography (often in Copenhagen) and photo shoots with my 2 cats as willing models. That is, WILLING as long as they get paid in full in cat treats. Which, of course, they do.

I also love drawing on my iPad Pro (mostly in Procreate), doing graphic design on my iMac and editing my photos in Lightroom.

You can find me on Vero and Instagram:

Contact me at carlsen @